
How To Find Recently Installed Apps On Android

  1. AC Question's Avatar

    I want to list the apps I have on my tablet by the engagement on which I installed them. Is at that place a style to do this?

    01-27-2015 01:32 PM

  2. B. Diddy's Avatar

    Welcome to Android Central! The all-time you can practise is go to Google Play Store, swipe in from the left, tap My Apps, and then Installed. This will bear witness you all of the apps yous've ever installed from most recent to oldest--but it volition also evidence apps that yous take since uninstalled.

    01-27-2015 10:49 PM

  3. OlderThanDirt's Avatar

    ES file explorer has a setting called ES Swipe. I've turned that off and had no more bug.

    06-22-2017 09:01 AM

  4. Doug R 57's Avatar

    There is no "My Apps." What then? Thanks

    05-09-2018 12:25 PM


  6. Rukbat's Avatar

    Whatsoever file explorer that has a "list by" function. But listing apps is a problem - many of them aren't in visible folders. You tin listing all the files y'all can see by date per folder. (You can only run across the files in i folder at a fourth dimension.)

    05-09-2018 01:00 PM

  7. Asaens's Avatar

    Revo Uninstaller has a sort (past engagement, proper noun, size) feature in the pinnacle correct corner of the apps that are listed for you to consider uninstalling and often I have them sorted so the most recently installed are on top and all I have to do is click/tap on the proper noun and information technology should launch. Sometimes it crashes but I've noticed in that same drop-down box in the top right corner is a refresh selection and that seems to profoundly reduce the number of crashes if I tap that before launching an app. It doesn't happen as often when I cull to uninstall (trashcan icon). When I employ the word "crash" I hateful Revo Uninstaller app shows a bulletin that it couldn't complete the action desired and immediately restarts itself which means it has to accept a few seconds to read all the apps y'all accept installed that it recognizes as apps which can exist uninstalled. I couldn't find a launcher that sorts by date then it works okay for me merely I wish I had something better.

    12-02-2018 03:05 PM

  8. Rukbat's Avatar

    Thanks for that, Asaens. (I wasn't aware that they had come out with an Android version. And with all the apps I install to assist people, I need a mass uninstaller once in a while.)

    12-02-2018 03:54 PM

  9. mekronks's Avatar

    Thanks for that, Asaens. (I wasn't aware that they had come out with an Android version. And with all the apps I install to help people, I need a mass uninstaller once in a while.)

    What a shocking state of affairs if you take install an uninstaller just to list apps by installation engagement?


    And it seems people kind of just take information technology.

    Some real shocking stuff with Android, such as taking abroad root access, they testify be sued,
    I imagine if you bought a care and you took it to the garage for a service and they removed your wheels?

    05-05-2019 06:08 AM

  10. Rukbat's Avatar

    That's because there are 3 dates for a file - created date, modified date and accessed date, and most programs use the modified appointment - which is non the created engagement (which is the installation date). With pictures taken by photographic camera, though, there's an EXIF (exchangeable image file format) header that has the date the motion-picture show was taken on - and programs that can set up any or all of the file dates to that EXIF date (and some of them can practice it to all the files in a folder in one shot, skipping the ones with no "taken on" engagement).

    As far as root, I believe that the GPL requires that be supplied, but since no one'south challenged information technology in court yet ... (nosotros just use phones with unlockable bootloaders and install Magisk).

    05-05-2019 12:thirteen PM

  11. B. Diddy's Avatar

    That's an odd illustration. A machine won't go anywhere without wheels. As far as I know, an Android phone however works fine without knowing exactly when an app was installed.

    05-05-2019 12:19 PM

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